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Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Statement

It has been and will continue to be a fundamental policy of  Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, familial status, protected veteran or disabled status, genetic information or any other protected class with respect to recruitment, hiring, training, promotion and other terms and conditions of employment. Further, it is the policy of the Cary Institute to comply with the concepts and practices of affirmative action.

We make every effort to ensure our policies with regard to these employment conditions are based solely on job requirements, job performance, and job-related criteria. Further, our policies and practices relating to compensation, benefits, transfer, retention, termination, training, self-development opportunities, as well as social programs are administered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, familial status, protected veteran or disabled status, genetic information or any other protected class.

As an affirmative action employer, if we are hiring or promoting in those job categories in which women, minorities, disabled individuals, or qualified covered veterans are underutilized, we will seek out qualified applicants in these categories to meet our specified goals.

Effective implementation and continuing administration of this policy will be the direct responsibility of the Human Resources office. The Manager of Human Resources has been appointed as Affirmative Action Administrator with responsibilities to maintain and implement our Affirmative Action Plan and to ensure that the coordination, direction and review of equal employment opportunity policies, practices and programs are accomplished. The Manager of Human Resources will be responsible for making reports to senior management on our equal employment efforts on a periodic and continuing basis.

All supervisory personnel should make special efforts to assure that all employees reporting to them understand and effectively implement the policy. Supervisory employees will be evaluated on their adherence and commitment to our policy.

Cary Institute does not condone and will not tolerate the harassment of any employee. Complaints of harassment of any type, including sexual harassment, should be brought to the attention of the Manager of Human Resources.

Further, all complaints of discriminatory treatment in violation of this policy should be brought to the attention of the Manager of Human Resources so that the procedure outlined in the Policy and Procedure Manual or collective bargaining agreement may be implemented.

It is the responsibility of each and every employee of Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies to give our policy of equal employment opportunity real meaning and full support.

Revised January, 2022