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Summer Institutes

Teacher training on Cary's 2,000 acre campus and nearby field sites.

In addition to exposure to the Cary Institute's scientific staff, participants are given the opportunity to strengthen their analytical skills and learn methods of integrating ecosystem concepts into their lesson plans.

Previous participants in our summer programs have said...

This was a workshop that will cause changes to take place in my classroom! Thank you!


MS science teacher

It was great to be involved with the scientists here and to work with the other teachers, sharing our collective wisdom.


High school LE teacher

Great workshop. I do a lot of workshops and institutes and this was one of the best for me!


High school earth science teacher

I learned more in one week than in an entire semester. Thank you!


Middle school teacher

Thanks so much, it was great! We received so much information and examples of activities. I enjoyed learning how to integrate data collection into my classroom.


Elementary teacher