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Code of Conduct for Events

Conduct expected of visitors to Cary Institute, off-site and virtual event participants (Institute staff and others), to ensure productive behavior, a feeling of congeniality and safety, and positive discussions for all attendees. 

Code of ConductReporting Code of Conduct Violations
Unacceptable BehaviorsConsequences of Violations to the Code of Conduct


Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies (Cary Institute) is committed to providing an environment that is free of harassment and convening events, meetings, workshops, and conferences that support individual dignity and respect. As such, Cary Institute maintains a strict policy prohibiting sexual harassment and discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, familial status, protected veteran or disabled status, genetic information or any other protected class.

Cary Institute is also committed to preventing violence in the workplace and maintaining a safe work environment for all of its employees. Intimidation, harassment, or other threats of (or actual) violence that occur during or after business hours at events, meetings, workshops, and conferences organized by Cary Institute and its staff virtually, on Cary Institute property, or other off-site locations, is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated.

With the diversity of activities occurring at Cary Institute to further its mission, it is common for events, meetings, workshops, and conferences, whether in-person or held virtually (from this point forward, events, meetings, workshops, and conferences will be referred to collectively as “events”) to be held, involving Cary Institute employees, their colleagues, outside organizations, partners, and others.

Participants attending in-person or virtual meetings at or hosted by Cary Institute, whether they are organized by Cary Institute staff or another organization or group, fall under Cary Institute’s harassment-free policy. As such, participants are expected to behave in a respectful manner towards other attendees and staff as well as Cary Institute employees, and will also be treated by Cary Institute employees and other attendees in a respectful manner.

Further, Cary Institute staff organize and participate in events held off-site of the main Cary Institute campus in Millbrook, NY. The same policy applies to attendees of these off-site events, regardless of the event funding source (e.g., external sponsors such as the National Science Foundation, or internal Cary Institute funds).

Cary Institute expects this Code of Conduct to be followed by visitors to Cary Institute and off-site event participants (Cary Institute staff and others), as well as participants in virtual events, to ensure productive behavior, a feeling of congeniality and safety, and positive discussions for all attendees. It also provides guidance for reporting incidents of harassment and violations of Cary Institute’s Code of Conduct. 

Code of Conduct

While attending an in-person or virtual event at Cary Institute or an off-site location, as a participant, you agree to:

  • Respect other participants
  • Communicate openly and thoughtfully and encourage others to do the same
  • Be considerate of the ideas and thoughts of other attendees if they differ from your own
  • Be courteous to everyone
  • Respect the rules and policies of the venue, whether the venue is Cary Institute, another institution’s meeting space, a hotel, or any other venue.

Unacceptable Behaviors

The following behaviors are unacceptable and will not be tolerated at an event held in-person or virtually at Cary Institute or at an off-site event organized by Cary Institute staff:

  • Harassment, intimidation, threats, violence, or offensive/unwelcome behavior (including invasion of privacy) towards other participants in any form, including physically, verbally, and in writing (text messages, emails, social media posts, chat boxes during virtual presentations, etc.);
  • Disruptive and/or disrespectful behavior during presentations and discussions;
  • Physical or verbal abuse to any participant, event organizer, staff member, vendor, volunteer, or guest;
  • Discrimination, verbal or nonverbal harassment, or hostility against any person or group of people based on race, color, creed, gender, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, military service, or any other classification protected by Federal, State, or local law;
  • Abuse of power especially when related to position, wealth, race or gender;
  • Sexual harassment or sexual assault of any kind. This includes: unwelcome advances, threats or stalking; inappropriate contact; inappropriate requests for sexual favors; all other verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature based on gender; offensive comments, jokes, drawings, pictures, cartoons, innuendos, or other sexually-oriented verbal or written statements (including text messages, emails, social media posts, etc.);
  • Use of drugs or alcohol during the event or related social events that could result in behavior that violates this Code of Conduct; and/or
  • Impersonating another individual or intentionally deceiving others by communicating under a false name or name you are not entitled to use.

Reporting Code of Conduct Violations

As an in-person or virtual event attendee/participant at Cary Institute or an off-site location, if you feel that you are being or were harassed or discriminated against, or if you witness(ed) such behavior against another person, you may take one of the below actions:

  1. Call 911 if at any time you feel that you are in immediate danger. After calling 911, if you’re on-site at Cary Institute, you may also alert Cary Institute Security at (845) 224- 7275 if the incident occurs between 4 PM and 12 AM on Monday through Friday, or between 8 AM and 8 PM on Saturday or Sunday.
  2. Speak directly with the event organizer. This is the best way to receive an immediate response or action related to your report. He/she may ask you to assist in filling out a Code of Conduct Incident Reporting Form (details are below). 
  3. Report the incident electronically.

If the person about whom the report is being made is a Cary Institute trustee, officer, employee, or volunteer, you may be requested to fill out a Cary Institute Whistleblower Complaint Form and submit it to the Manager of Human Resources and/or the Senior Director of Administration/Comptroller.

Cary Institute’s Whistleblower Policy and Complaint Form

Consequences of Violations to the Code of Conduct

Cary Institute staff members receive annual training in handling reported violations of this Code of Conduct. Reports received by event organizers and staff will be handled as quickly as possible and ideally within the timeframe of the event. A thorough review of the submitted incident report will be conducted, which could include speaking with the individual submitting the incident report as well as the individual about whom the report is being submitted (alleged violator).

Reports submitted via the online version of the Incident Reporting Form will be funneled to the appropriate party and a review of the report will be conducted as soon as possible.

If the alleged violator is a Cary Institute trustee, officer, employee, or volunteer:

Incidents involving Cary Institute trustees, officers, employees, or volunteers reported as alleged violators of this Code of Conduct will be handled in a manner consistent with Cary Institute’s Policies on Sexual and Other Unlawful Harassment or Discrimination and Cary Institute’s Whistleblower Policy. Incident Reports submitted to the event organizer or staff member will be shared with Cary Institute’s Human Resources Manager. The person filing the report may then be asked to fill out and submit a Whistleblower Complaint Form.

The event organizer may on his/her own, with staff members (and venue security if needed), or in consultation with the Human Resources Manager, determine an appropriate immediate action to take in response to the complaint, consistent with this Code of Conduct (“Possible Actions Taken Against Alleged Violators of this Code of Conduct”).

If the alleged violator is NOT a Cary Institute trustee, officer, employee, or volunteer:

Incidents involving non-Cary Institute employees will be handled by the event organizer and staff members (and venue security if needed), and possibly in consultation with Cary Institute Senior Management, in a manner consistent with this Code of Conduct (“Possible Actions Taken Against Alleged Violators of this Code of Conduct”). Incident Reports may be shared with the
alleged violator’s home institution.

Possible Actions Taken Against Alleged Violators of this Code of Conduct

Any participant(s) found to be in violation of this Code of Conduct or Cary Institute’s Policies on Sexual and Other Unlawful Harassment or Discrimination may face one or more of the following consequences.

  1. The participant will be asked to stop the unacceptable behavior and is expected to comply immediately.
  2. Deletion/removal of content resulting from unacceptable behavior.
  3. Event staff or security may take immediate action by removing the participant from the event (with no refund of any registration fees) and/or venue property. Virtual event attendees may be asked or forced to leave.
  4. Cary Institute trustees, officers, employees, or volunteers about whom reports are made will be handled in a manner consistent with Cary Institute’s Policy on Sexual and Other Unlawful Harassment or Discrimination and the Whistleblower Policy.
  5. Reports filed against non-Cary Institute participants may be shared with that participant’s home institution.
  6. Egregious violations of this Code of Conduct may result in banning the participant from attending future Cary Institute events.