Error message
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Notes and Changes since last report
- It was 68°F, clear and breezy at 1:00 PM on April 7, 2021.
- This is the first trail report of the season.
- The benches are back on the trails and the Fern Glen deck is open again.
- However, the trails are still one-way and Lovelace Dr. is still closed to vehicles.
- Visitor Parking is open at Administration, the Low Lands, and Gifford House.
- One butterfly was seen today.
The Trails
- The grass at trailhead at Gifford House was getting green.
- Along the edge of the front Old Hayfield, invasive honeysuckle was leafing out.
- Ground ivy or creeping Charlie is an early blooming plant from Europe.
- I'd expected an eastern comma at the top of the Sedge Meadow boardwalk, but no.
- Skunk cabbage did not fail and was indeed blooming on both sides of the walk way, with leaves on the way.
- A spring azure paused in the sun... for just a moment.
- In the Sedge Meadow itself, tussock sedge was just sending up its first green shoots.
- Rumbling across the path in the back Old was a wooly bear from last year - many butterflies and moths spend the winter as a caterpillar.
- By now it was warm enough that the bench in the shade was welcome in the Old Pasture.
- From the top of the bluff, Wappinger Creek looked full.
- Trout lily leaves were pushing up through the leaf litter at the bottom of the hill.
- In the flood plain, lesser celendine was spreading. Dense roots studded with tiny bulblets make this invasive difficult to control.
- All the greening shrubs behind it were Japanese barberry.
- Red maple along the road to the Fern Glen was blooming.
- It was nice to have a bench in front of the pond again.
- The painted turtles were still getting used to visitors.
- Spicebush was getting ready to bloom.
- A bee fly actually perched long enough for a photo.
- Spring beauty was blooming along side.
- Closer to the pond, Dutchman's breeches were starting to bloom.
- Watch for the bee flies and other pollinators in the hepatica.
- Something had eaten all the marsh marigold blossoms at the back of the pond.
- Fortunately, one new one was blooming today.
- Looking a bit like dandelions, coltsfoot was coming up nearby.
- Below the surface of the pond, amphibian egg masses appeared as white blobs.
- Above, water striders were skimming about.
- Along the boardwalk in the fen, speckled alder catkins were offering their pollen to the wind.
- The tiny female flowers were easy to miss.
- Off on the side, the broader leaved Carolina spring beauty was blooming.
- A sun beam illuminated a little leatherwood shrub.
- The fuzzy little flower buds make me think of little horse hooves.
- It's quite a surprise when the flower comes out. Pity they don't last long.
- A little farther along, ramps were coming up. These leaves will be gone when this onion relative blooms later.
- The deck is open again.
- At the corner of the parking, American hazelnut was blooming.
- Its male catkins immediately call to mind the alder encountered earlier.
- It takes an effort to find the even tinier female flower.
- The first shad flies of the season were in my face as the Cary Pines Trail let out into the Little Bluestem Meadow across from Gifford House.
- Chinese cornelian cherry was blooming behind the Carriage House.
- Until today, I'd never noticed a scent from the dense flower clusters.
- With the warm/freeze cycles this spring, it was a surprise to see anything at all on the magnolias.
- What was there was magnificent, and there was promise of more.
- Next week: the Cary Pines Trail side of the trail system.
| Plants