Error message
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Witch Hazel
Notes and Changes since last report
- It was 68°F, partly cloudy and windy at 12:15 PM on October 6, 2020.
- Leaf color had continued to improve over the week.
- Again few birds, but no butterflies at all today.
- This week's trail report covers the Cary Pines Trail side of the trail system.
The Trails
- The sun was in and out but it had warmed up to t-shirt temps at the Wappinger Creek by trail marker 10.
- On the banks, the striped blade of invasive Japanese stilt grass was recognizable from a distance.
- A closer look showed some seeds getting ready for dispersal.
- Native spicebush was turning bright yellow.
- New York fern was turning pale.
- A green blur went across the path and stopped on a stalk in the sun: a stink bug.
- Below, partridgeberry would soon be covered by needles and leaves.
- The woods opened up a bit as the trail went over the ridge above the Creek.
- A look in that direction found birch and beech taking on some color.
- The exit to the Fern Glen was glowing - let's see how this area looks in another week or two.
- Some big gnats - or little crane flies - were flying around today.
- Along the road down to the 'Glen, clearweed was making seeds now.
- Here and there, white snakeroot was still blooming.
- With the decay of leaves, the pond was getting dark.
- A dragonfly found ample sun on the emergent vebetation.
- Back in the shrub swamp, winterberry was turning ghostly white.
- In the rich fen, poison sumac was at peak color.
- What passes for a flower on witch hazel seems always to be smelled before being seen.
- In the back of the 'Glen, whorled aster was going to seed.
- Near by, one of the yellow lady's slippers was forming a seed pod.
- With a look back at the stone bridge, it was off to the Old Gravel Pit section of the Cary Pines trail.
- A pocket of chickadees and nut hatch passed through, including a brown creeper.
- What sounded like an insistant downy woodpecker turned out to be a red squirrel.
- A fair size wasp nest was lying in the middle of the trail.
- Apparently, it had not been there long. Not wishing to be questioned by a former occupant, I continued on my way.
- That brought us to the splendid view across the Little Bluestem Meadow of Gifford House.
- Somehow, it's not as difficult as it might seem to get a photo of the developing seed heads.
- A good close up is another matter.
- Color was creeping into the Scots Pine Allée.
- It was Virginia creeper.
- Next week: The Wappinger Creek Trail side of the trail system.