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A. Felson

Pickett, Steward T. A., Brian McGrath, Mary L. Cadenasso, and A. J. Felson. 2014. “Ecological Resilience and Resilient Cities”. Building Research & Information 42 (2): 143-57. doi:10.1080/09613218.2014.850600.
Pickett, Steward T. A., G.S. Brush, A. J. Felson, Brian McGrath, Morgan Grove, C.H. Nilon, K. Szlavecz, C.S. Swan, and P. Warren. 2012. “Understanding and Working With Urban Biodiversity: The Baltimore Ecosystem Study”. CityGreen 4: 68-77.
Felson, A. J. 2010. “Suburbanization and Amphibian Metapopulations”. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey.
Felson, A. J., and Steward T. A. Pickett. 2005. “Designed Experiments: New Approaches to Studying Urban Ecosystems”. Front. Ecol. Environ. 3: 549-56.