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Clifford Kraft

Warren, Dana R, Kristen E. Judd, Darren L. Bade, Gene E. Likens, and Clifford E. Kraft. 2013. “Effects of Wood Removal on Stream Habitat and Nitrate Uptake in Two Northeastern US Headwater Streams”. Hydrobiologia. doi:10.1007/s10750-013-1578-6.
Warren, Dana R, Clifford E. Kraft, William S. Keeton, J.S. Nunery, and Gene E. Likens. 2009. “Dynamics of Wood Recruitment in Streams of the Northeastern U.S”. For. Ecol. Manage 258: 804-13.
Warren, Dana R, Gene E. Likens, Donald C. Buso, and Clifford E. Kraft. 2008. “Status and Distribution of Fish in an Acid-Impacted Watershed of the Northeastern United States (Hubbard Brook, NH)”. Northeast. Natural 15: 375-90.