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Eli Zaady

Zaady, Eli, Peter M. Groffman, Dominic Standing, and Moshe Shachak. 2013. “High N2O Emissions in Dry Ecosystems”. European Journal of Soil Biology 59: 1-7. doi:10.1016/j.ejsobi.2013.08.004.
Groffman, Peter M., Eli Zaady, and Moshe Shachak. 2004. “Microbial Contribution to Biodiversity at Organism, Landscape and Ecosystem Scales”. In M. Shachak, J. Gosz, S. T. A. Pickett, and A. Perevolotsky (eds.). Biodiversity in Drylands: Toward a Unified Framework, 109-21. Oxford University Press, New York.
Zaady, Eli, R. Levacov, and Moshe Shachak. 2004. “Application of a Chemical Disturbance to Biological Soil Crusts and Its Effect on Resource Flow in a Patchy Desert Landscape”. Arid Land Res. Manage 18: 397-410.
Zaady, Eli, Peter M. Groffman, Moshe Shachak, and A. Wilby. 2003. “Consumption and Release of Nitrogen by Harvester Termite, Anacanthothermes Ubachi Naves in the Northern Negev Desert”. Soil Biol. Biochem. 35: 1299-1303.
Eldridge, D. J., Eli Zaady, and Moshe Shachak. 2002. “Microphytic Crusts, Shrub Patches and Water Harvesting in the Negev Desert: The Shikim System”. Landscape Ecol. 17: 587-97.
Karnieli, A., A. Gabai, C. Ichoku, Eli Zaady, and Moshe Shachak. 2002. “Temporal Dynamics of Soil and Vegetation Spectral Responses in a Semiarid Environment”. Int. J. Remote Sens 23: 4073-87.
Zaady, Eli, Moshe Shachak, and Y. Moshe. 2001. “Ecological Approach for Afforestation in Arid Regions”. In D. K. Vajpeyi (ed.). Deforestation, Environment, and Sustainable Development. A Comparative Analysis, 219-39. Praeger Publishers, USA.
Zaady, Eli, R. Yonatan, Moshe Shachak, and Avi Perevolotsky. 2001. “The Effects of Grazing on Abiotic and Biotic Parameters in a Semiarid Ecosystem: A Case Study from the Northern Negev Desert, Israel”. Arid Soil Res. Manage 15: 245-61.
Zaady, Eli, Y.Z. Offer, and Moshe Shachak. 2001. “The Content and Contribution of the Accumulated Aeolian Organic Matter in a Dry Ecosystem”. Atmospheric Environment 35: 769-76.
Eldridge, D. J., Eli Zaady, and Moshe Shachak. 2000. “Infiltration through Three Contrasting Soil Crusts in Patterned Negev Desert Landscapes”. Catena 40: 323-36.