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Moshe Shachak

Wilby, A., Moshe Shachak, and B. Boeken. 2001. “Integration of Ecosystem Engineering and Trophic Effects of Herbivores”. Oikos 92: 436-44.
Wilby, A., and Moshe Shachak. 2000. “Harvester Ant Response to Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneity in Seed Availability: Pattern in the Process of Granivory”. Oecologia 125: 495-503.
Eldridge, D. J., Eli Zaady, and Moshe Shachak. 2000. “Infiltration through Three Contrasting Soil Crusts in Patterned Negev Desert Landscapes”. Catena 40: 323-36.
Eldridge, D. J., Eli Zaady, Moshe Shachak, and C. Myers. 1999. “Control of Desertification by Microphytic Crusts in a Negev Desert Shrubland. Desertification and Soil Processes”. The Sixth International Rangeland Congress Proceedings 1: 111-13.
Pickett, Steward T. A., Moshe Shachak, B. Boeken, and Juan J. Armesto. 1999. “The Management of Ecological Systems”. In T. W. Hoekstra and M. Shachak (eds.). Arid Lands Management: Toward Ecological Sustainability, 8-17. Illinois University Press, Urbana-Champaign, IL.
Shachak, Moshe, Steward T. A. Pickett, B. Boeken, and Eli Zaady. 1999. “Managing Patchiness, Ecological Flows, Productivity and Diversity in Dry Lands: Concepts and Applications in the Negev Desert”. In T. W. Hoekstra and M. Shachak (eds.). Arid Lands Management: Toward Ecological Sustainability, 254-63. Illinois University Press, Urbana-Champaign, IL.
Saltz, D., Moshe Shachak, M. Caldwell, Steward T. A. Pickett, J. Dawson, H. Tsoar, Y. Yom-Tov, M. Weltz, and R. Farrow. 1999. “The Study and Management of Dryland Population Systems”. In T. W. Hoekstra and M. Shachak (eds.). Arid Lands Management: Toward Ecological Sustainability, 75-96. Illinois University Press, Urbana-Champaign, IL.
Brandwine, S., and Moshe Shachak. 1998. “Population Response of Hemilepistus Reaumuri to Soil Moisture and Patchiness”. Isr. J. Zool 44: 359-78.
Boeken, B., and Moshe Shachak. 1998. “Colonization by Annual Plants of an Experimentally Altered Desert Landscape: Source-Sink Relationships”. J. Ecol. 86: 804-14.
Baker, M. B., Moshe Shachak, and S. Brand. 1998. “Settling Behavior of the Desert Isopod, Hemilepistus Reaumuri, in Response to Variation in Soil Moisture and Other Environmental Cues”. Isr. J. Zool 44: 345-54.