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Moshe Shachak

Zaady, Eli, Peter M. Groffman, and Moshe Shachak. 1996. “Release and Consumption of Nitrogen from Snail Feces in Negev Desert Soils”. Biol. Fertil. Soils 23: 399-405.
Zaady, Eli, Peter M. Groffman, and Moshe Shachak. 1996. “Litter As a Regulator of Nitrogen and Carbon Dynamics in Macrophytic Patches in Negev Desert Soils”. Soil Biol. Biochem. 28: 39-46.
Jones, Clive G., J.H. Lawton, and Moshe Shachak. 1996. “Organisms As Ecosystem Engineers (1996)”. In F. B. Samson and F. L. Knopf (eds.). Readings in Ecosystem Management, 130-47. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
Shachak, Moshe, Clive G. Jones, and S. Brand. 1995. “The Role of Animals in an Arid Ecosystem: Snails and Isopods As Controllers of Soil Formation, Erosion and Desalinization”. Adv. GeoEcol. 28: 37-50.
Shachak, Moshe, and Clive G. Jones. 1995. “Ecological Flow Chains and Ecological Systems: Concepts for Linking Species and Ecosystem Perspectives”. In C. G. Jones and J. H. Lawton (eds.). Linking Species and Ecosystems, 280-94. Chapman & Hall, Inc., New York.
Jones, Clive G., and Moshe Shachak. 1994. “Desert snails’ Daily Grind”. Nat. Hist 103: 56-61.
Jones, Clive G., J.H. Lawton, and Moshe Shachak. 1994. “Organisms As Ecosystem Engineers”. Oikos 69: 373-86.
Pickett, Steward T. A., I.C. Burke, V. H. Dale, J.R. Gosz, R.G. Lee, S. W. Pacala, and Moshe Shachak. 1994. “Integrated Models of Forested Regions”. In P. Groffman and G. E. Likens (eds.). Integrated Regional Models: Interactions Between Humans and Their Environment, 120-41. Chapman & Hall, Inc., New York.
Jones, Clive G., and Moshe Shachak. 1990. “Fertilization of the Desert Soil by Rock-Eating Snails”. Nature 346: 839-41.
Shachak, Moshe, Clive G. Jones, and W. Porter. 1990. “Snail Herbivory and Dewfall As Regulators of Desert Nitrogen Flux”. 1st Annu. Rep. to U.S.-Israel Binat. Sci. Found.