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Zara Dowling

Dowling, Zara, Shannon L. LaDeau, Peter Armbruster, Dawn Biehler, and Paul Leisnham. 2013. “Socioeconomic Status Affects Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) Larval Habitat Type Availability and Infestation Level”. Journal of Medical Entomology 50 (4): 764-72. doi:10.1603/ME12250.
Dowling, Zara, Peter Armbruster, Shannon L. LaDeau, Mark DeCotiis, Jihana Mottley, and Paul Leisnham. 2013. “Linking Mosquito Infestation to Resident Socioeconomic Status, Knowledge, and Source Reduction Practices in Suburban Washington, DC”. EcoHealth 10 (1): 36-47. doi:10.1007/s10393-013-0818-6.