Zoe Hamstead
Donahue, Marie L., Bonnie L. Keeler, Spencer A. Wood, David Fisher, Zoe A. Hamstead, and Timon McPhearson. 2018. “Using Social Media to Understand Drivers of Urban Park Visitation in the Twin Cities, MN”. Landscape and Urban Planning 175: 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2018.02.006.
Hamstead, Zoe A., David Fisher, Rositsa T. Ilieva, Spencer A. Wood, Timon McPhearson, and Peleg Kremer. 2018. “Geolocated Social Media As a Rapid Indicator of Park Visitation and Equitable Park Access”. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 72: 38-50. doi:10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2018.01.007.
Kremer, Peleg, Zoe A. Hamstead, and Timon McPhearson. 2016. “The Value of Urban Ecosystem Services in New York City: A Spatially Explicit Multicriteria Analysis of Landscape Scale Valuation Scenarios”. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY 62: 57-68. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2016.04.012.
Hamstead, Zoe A., Peleg Kremer, Neele Larondelle, Timon McPhearson, and Dagmar Haase. 2016. “Classification of the Heterogeneous Structure of Urban Landscapes (STURLA) As an Indicator of Landscape Function Applied to Surface Temperature in New York City”. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 70: 574-85. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.10.014.
McPhearson, Timon, Zoe A. Hamstead, and Peleg Kremer. 2014. “Urban Ecosystem Services for Resilience Planning and Management in New York City”. AMBIO 43: 502-15. doi:10.1007/s13280-014-0509-8.
Larondelle, Neele, Zoe A. Hamstead, Peleg Kremer, Dagmar Haase, and Timon McPhearson. 2014. “Applying a Novel Urban Structure Classification to Compare the Relationships of Urban Structure and Surface Temperature in Berlin and New York City”. APPLIED GEOGRAPHY 53: 427-37. doi:10.1016/j.apgeog.2014.07.004.
Kremer, Peleg, Zoe A. Hamstead, and Timon McPhearson. 2013. “A Social-Ecological Assessment of Vacant Lots in New York City”. LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING 120: 218-33. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2013.05.003.
McPhearson, Timon, Peleg Kremer, and Zoe A. Hamstead. 2013. “Mapping Ecosystem Services in New York City: Applying a Social-Ecological Approach in Urban Vacant Land”. ECOSYSTEM SERVICES 5: E11-E26. doi:10.1016/j.ecoser.2013.06.005.