Karen McGlathery
Emery, Kyle A., Grace M. Wilkinson, Victor F. Camacho-Ibar, Michael L. Pace, Karen McGlathery, Jose M. Sandoval-Gil, and Julieta Hernández-López. 2016. “Resource Use of an Aquacultured Oyster (Crassostrea Gigas) in the Reverse Estuary Bahía San Quintín, Baja California, México”. Estuaries and Coasts 39 (3): 866-74. doi:10.1007/s12237-015-0021-9.
McGlathery, Karen, Matthew Reidenbach, Paolo D’Odorico, Sergio Fagherazzi, Michael L. Pace, and John H. Porter. 2013. “Nonlinear Dynamics and Alternative Stable States in Shallow Coastal Systems”. Oceanography 26 (3): 220-31. doi:10.5670/oceanog10.5670/oceanog.201310.5670/oceanog.2013.66.