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Jason Kurtzweil

Wilkinson, Grace M., Stephen R. Carpenter, Jonathan J. Cole, Michael L. Pace, Ryan D. Batt, Cal D. Buelo, and Jason T. Kurtzweil. 2018. “Early Warning Signals Precede Cyanobacterial Blooms in Multiple Whole-Lake Experiments”. Ecological Monographs 88 (2): 188-203. doi:10.1002/ecm.1286.
Pace, Michael L., Ryan D. Batt, Cal D. Buelo, Stephen R. Carpenter, Jonathan J. Cole, Jason T. Kurtzweil, and Grace M. Wilkinson. 2016. “Reversal of a Cyanobacterial Bloom in Response to Early Warnings”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (2): 352-57. doi:10.1073/pnas.1612424114.
Batt, Ryan D., Stephen R. Carpenter, Jonathan J. Cole, Michael L. Pace, Robert A. Johnson, Jason T. Kurtzweil, and Grace M. Wilkinson. 2015. “Altered Energy Flow in the Food Web of an Experimentally Darkened Lake”. Ecosphere 6 (3): art33. doi:10.1890/ES14-00241.1.
Pace, Michael L., Stephen R. Carpenter, Robert A. Johnson, and Jason T. Kurtzweil. 2013. “Zooplankton Provide Early Warnings of a Regime Shift in a Whole Lake Manipulation”. Limnology and Oceanography 58 (2): 525-32. doi:10.4319/lo.2013.58.2.0525.