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Dagmar Haase

Lin, Brenda B, Alessandro Ossola, Marina Alberti, Erik Andersson, Xuemei Bai, Cynnamon Dobbs, Thomas Elmqvist, et al. 2021. “Integrating Solutions to Adapt Cities for Climate Change”. The Lancet Planetary Health 5 (7). Elsevier BV: e479-e486. doi:10.1016/s2542-5196(21)00135-2.
Kronenberg, Jakub, Erik Andersson, David N. Barton, Sara T. Borgström, Johannes Langemeyer, Tove Björklund, Dagmar Haase, et al. 2021. “The Thorny Path Toward Greening: Unintended Consequences, Trade-Offs, and Constraints in Green and Blue Infrastructure Planning, Implementation, and Management”. Ecology and Society 26 (2). Resilience Alliance, Inc. doi:10.5751/es-12445-260236.
Kabisch, Nadja, Dagmar Haase, Thomas Elmqvist, and Timon McPhearson. 2018. “Cities Matter: Workspaces in Ecosystem-Service Assessments With Decision-Support Tools in the Context of Urban Systems”. BioScience 68 (3): 164-66. doi:10.1093/biosci/bix153.
McPhearson, Timon, Dagmar Haase, Nadja Kabisch, and Asa Gren. 2016. “Advancing Understanding of the Complex Nature of Urban Systems”. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 70: 566-73. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.03.054.
Hamstead, Zoe A., Peleg Kremer, Neele Larondelle, Timon McPhearson, and Dagmar Haase. 2016. “Classification of the Heterogeneous Structure of Urban Landscapes (STURLA) As an Indicator of Landscape Function Applied to Surface Temperature in New York City”. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 70: 574-85. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.10.014.
Kremer, Peleg, Zoe Hamstead, Dagmar Haase, Timon McPhearson, Niki Frantzeskaki, Erik Andersson, Nadja Kabisch, et al. 2016. “Key Insights for the Future of Urban Ecosystem Services Research”. ECOLOGY AND SOCIETY 21. doi:10.5751/ES-08445-210229.
Andersson, Erik, Timon McPhearson, Peleg Kremer, Erik Gomez-Baggethun, Dagmar Haase, Magnus Tuvendal, and Daniel Wurster. 2015. “Scale and Context Dependence of Ecosystem Service Providing Units”. ECOSYSTEM SERVICES 12: 157-64. doi:10.1016/j.ecoser.2014.08.001.
Larondelle, Neele, Zoe A. Hamstead, Peleg Kremer, Dagmar Haase, and Timon McPhearson. 2014. “Applying a Novel Urban Structure Classification to Compare the Relationships of Urban Structure and Surface Temperature in Berlin and New York City”. APPLIED GEOGRAPHY 53: 427-37. doi:10.1016/j.apgeog.2014.07.004.
Haase, Dagmar, Neele Larondelle, Erik Andersson, Martina Artmann, Sara Borgstrom, Jurgen Breuste, Erik Gomez-Baggethun, et al. 2014. “A Quantitative Review of Urban Ecosystem Service Assessments: Concepts, Models, and Implementation”. AMBIO 43: 413-33. doi:10.1007/s13280-014-0504-0.