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Hilary Dugan

Mikucki, J. A., E. Auken, S. Tulaczyk, R. A. Virginia, C. Schamper, K. I. Sørensen, P. T. Doran, Hilary A. Dugan, and N. Foley. 2015. “Deep Groundwater and Potential Subsurface Habitats Beneath an Antarctic Dry Valley”. Nature Communications 6: 6831. doi:10.1038/ncomms7831.
Read, Emily K., Vijay P. Patil, Samantha K. Oliver, Amy L. Hetherington, Jennifer A. Brentrup, Jacob A. Zwart, Kirsten M. Winters, et al. 2015. “The Importance of Lake-Specific Characteristics for Water Quality across the Continental United States”. Ecological Applications 25 (4): 943-55. doi:10.1890/14-0935.1.
Winslow, Luke, Hilary A. Dugan, Heather N. Buelow, Kyle D. Cronin, J. Priscu, Cristina Takacs-Vesbach, and P. T. Doran. 2014. “Autonomous Year-Round Sampling and Sensing to Explore the Physical and Biological Habitability of Permanently Ice-Covered Antarctic Lakes”. Marine Technology Society Journal 48 (5): 8-17. doi:10.4031/MTSJ.48.5.6.