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P. Donoso

Armesto, Juan J., M. C. Nuñez-Avila, P. Donoso, and Ricardo Rozzi. 2014. “Avances De Una Red De Sitios De Estudios ecológicos a Largo Plazo En El Suroeste De Sudamérica”. Bosque (Valdivia) 35 (3): 413-14. doi:10.4067/S0717-92002014000300015.
Lara, A., C. Little, R. Urrutia, J. McPhee, C. Álvarez-Garretón, C. Oyarzún, D. Soto, et al. 2009. “Assessment of Ecosystem Services As an Opportunity for the Conservation and Management of Native Forests in Chile”. For. Ecol. Manage 258: 415-24.
Nahuelhual, L., P. Donoso, C. Oyarzún, A. Lara, D. Núñez, and E. Neira. 2007. “Valuing Ecosystem Services of the Chilean Temperate Rain Forest”. Environment Development and Sustainability 9: 481-99.