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V.H. Smith

Smith, V.H., Walter K. Dodds, K.E. Havens, Daniel R. Engstrom, H.W. Paerl, Brian Moss, and Gene E. Likens. 2014. “Comment: Cultural Eutrophication of Natural Lakes in the United States Is Real and Widespread”. Limnology and Oceanography 59 (6): 2217-25. doi:10.4319/lo.2014.59.6.2217.
Carpenter, Stephen R., Nina F. Caraco, D.L. Correll, Robert W. Howarth, A.N. Sharpley, and V.H. Smith. 1998. “Nonpoint Pollution of Surface Waters With Phosphorus and Nitrogen”. Issues Ecol. 3: 1-12.