A. Lara
Lara, A., and R. Urrutia. 2010. “A Chilean Perspective on the Challenges Ahead”. In J. Levitt (Ed.) Conservation Capital in the Americas, 5-14. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge, MA. USA.
Lara, A., R. Reyes, and R. Urrutia. 2010. “Bosques Nativos”. In Informe País, Estado Del Medio Ambiente En Chile 2008., 126-71. Instituto de Asuntos Públicos. Centro de Análisis de Políticas Públicas. Universidad de Chile. Santiago, Chile.
Urrutia, R., A. Lara, M.P. Peña, and D. Christie. 2010. “Water Availability Reconstructions Using Tree-Rings in the Valdivian Rainforest Ecoregion, Chile”. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 9: 12006. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/9/1/012006.
Neukom, R., and A. Lara. 2010. “Multiproxy Summer and Winter Surface Air Temperature Field Reconstructions for Southern South America Covering the past Centuries”. Clim. Dynam. 37: 35-51. doi:10.1007/s00382-010-0793-3.
Christie, D., J. A. Boninsegna, M. Cleaveland, A. Lara, C. LeQuesne, M.S. Morales, M. Mudelsee, D. Stahle, and R. Villalba. 2010. “Aridity Changes in the Temperate-Mediterranean Transition of the Andes since AD 1346 Reconstructed from Tree-Rings”. Clim. Dynam. 36: 1505-21. doi:10.1007/s00382-009-0723-4.
Altamirano, A., and A. Lara. 2010. “Deforestation in Temperate Ecosystems of Pre-Andean Range of South-Central Chile”. Bosque 31: 53-64.
Little, C., A. Lara, J. McPhee, and R. Urrutia. 2009. “Revealing the Impact of Forest Exotic Plantations on Water Yield in Large Scale Watersheds in South-Central Chile”. J. Hydrology 374: 162-70.
Boninsegna, J. A., J. Argollo, J.C. Aravena, J. Barichivich, D. Christie, M.E. Ferrero, A. Lara, et al. 2009. “South American Tree Rings As Climate Proxy Records”. Palaeogeogr. Palaeocl. 281: 210-28.
Christie, D. A., A. Lara, J. Barichivich, R. Villalba, M.S. Morales, and E. Cuq. 2009. “El Niño-Southern Oscillation Signal in the world’s Highest-Elevation Tree-Ring Chronologies from the Altiplano, Central Andes”. Palaeogeogr. Palaeocl. 281: 309-19. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2007.11.013.
Lara, A., C. Little, R. Urrutia, J. McPhee, C. Álvarez-Garretón, C. Oyarzún, D. Soto, et al. 2009. “Assessment of Ecosystem Services As an Opportunity for the Conservation and Management of Native Forests in Chile”. For. Ecol. Manage 258: 415-24.