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A. Lara

Echeverría, C., O. Thiers, and A. Lara. 2007. “Effects of Forest Loss on Soil Water Table in the Temperate Landscape in Southern Chile”. In M. J. Pacha, S. Luque, L. Galetto, and L. Iverson (eds.) Understanding Biodiversity Loss: An Overview of Forest Fragmentation in South America, 106-14. IALE Landscape Research and Management Papers, Electronic Publication Series.
Echeverría, C., David A. Coomes, A.C. Newton, A. Lara, and J.M. Rey-Benayas. 2007. “Patterns of Land Use Change and Forest Fragmentation in the Temperate Forests in Southern Chile”. In M. J. Pacha, S. Luque, L. Galetto, and L. Iverson (eds.) Understanding Biodiversity Loss: An Overview of Forest Fragmentation in South America, 63-73. IALE Landscape Research and Management Papers, Electronic Publication Series.
Nahuelhual, L., P. Donoso, C. Oyarzún, A. Lara, D. Núñez, and E. Neira. 2007. “Valuing Ecosystem Services of the Chilean Temperate Rain Forest”. Environment Development and Sustainability 9: 481-99.
Lara, A. 2007. “Chile, A Mountain”. Ambiente Y Desarrollo 23: 18-19.
Altamirano, A., C. Echeverría, and A. Lara. 2007. “Effects of Forest Fragmentation on Vegetational Structure of Threatened Populations of Legrandia Concinna (Myrtaceae) in Central-South Chile”. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat. 80: 27-42.
Soto, D., C. LeQuesne, A. Lara, and M. Gardner. 2007. “Fragile Conservation State of Pilgerodendron Uviferum Forests in Their Northern Limit of the Chilean Coastal Range”. Bosque 28: 263-70.
Cuevas, J., D. Soto, I. Arismendi, and A. Lara. 2006. “Relating Land Cover to Stream Properties in Southern Chile Watersheds: Trade-off Between Geographical Scale, Sample Size, and Explicative Power”. Biogeochemistry 81: 313-29.
Lara, A., R. Urrutia, R. Villalba, B.H. Luckman, D. Soto, J.C. Aravena, J. McPhee, A. Wolodarsky-Franke, L. Pezoa, and J. León. 2005. “The Potential of Tree-Rings for Streamflow and Estuary Salinity Reconstruction in the Valdivian Rainforest Eco-Region, Chile”. Dendrochronology 22: 155-61.
Soto, D., and A. Lara. 2001. “Valoración Alternativa De Los Bosques Nativos Como Proveedores De Servicios Ecosistemicos a Los Ambientes acuáticos”. In R. Primack, R. Rozzi, P. Feinsinger, R. Dirzo, and F. Massardo (eds.). Fondo de Cultura Económica, México City, México.
Allnutt, T. R., A.C. Newton, A. Lara, A. Premoli, Juan J. Armesto, R. Vergara, and M. Gardner. 1999. “Genetic Variation in Fitzroya Cupressoides (alerce), a Threatened South American Conifer”. Mol. Ecol. 8: 975-87.