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Scott Swinton

Robertson, Philip, Stephen K. Hamilton, Bradford L. Barham, Bruce E. Dale, Cesar Izaurralde, Randall D. Jackson, Douglas A. Landis, Scott M. Swinton, Kurt D. Thelen, and James M. Tiedje. 2017. “Cellulosic Biofuel Contributions to a Sustainable Energy Future: Choices and Outcomes”. Science 356 (6345). doi:10.1126/science.aal2324.
Robertson, Philip, Katherine L. Gross, Stephen K. Hamilton, Douglas A. Landis, Thomas M. Schmidt, Sieglinde S. Snapp, and Scott M. Swinton. 2014. “Farming for Ecosystem Services: An Ecological Approach to Production Agriculture”. BioScience 64 (5): 404-15. doi:10.1093/biosci/biu037.
Swinton, Scott M., Frank Lupi, Philip Robertson, and Stephen K. Hamilton. 2007. “Ecosystem Services and Agriculture: Cultivating Agricultural Ecosystems for Diverse Benefits”. Ecological Economics 64 (2): 245-52. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2007.09.020.