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M. Díaz

Gutiérrez, A. G., Juan J. Armesto, M. F. Díaz, and A. Huth. 2014. “Increased Drought Impacts on Temperate Rainforests from Southern South America: Results of a Process-Based, Dynamic Forest Model”. PLoS ONE 9 (7): e103226. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0103226.
Armesto, Juan J., M.A. Bustamante-Sánchez, M. F. Díaz, M.E. González, , A.M. Nuñez-Avila, and C. Smith-Ramirez. 2008. “Fire Disturbance Regimes, Ecosystem Recovery and Restoration Strategies in Mediterranean and Temperate Regions of Chile”. In A. Cerda and P. Robichaud (eds.). Fire Effects on Soils and Restoration Strategies, 537-67. Science Publishers, Enfield, NH, USA.
Díaz, M. F., S. W. Bigelow, and Juan J. Armesto. 2007. “Alteration of the Hydrologic Cycle Due to Forest Clearing and Its Consequences for Rainforest Succession”. For. Ecol. Manage 234: 32-40.
Díaz, M. F., and Juan J. Armesto. 2007. “Physical and Biotic Constraints on Tree Regeneration in Secondary Shrublands of Chiloe Island, Chile”. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat. 80: 13-26.
Díaz, M. F. 2004. “Limitantes biológicas E hidrológicas De La sucesión Secundaria En Bosques De Chiloé”. Santiago, Chile, Universidad de Chile.