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Wendy Ruscoe

Forsyth, David M., Deborah J. Wilson, Tomas A. Easdale, Georges Kunstler, Charles D. Canham, Wendy A. Ruscoe, Elaine F. Wright, et al. 2015. “Century-Scale Effects of Invasive Deer and Rodents on the Dynamics of Forests Growing on Soils of Contrasting Fertility”. Ecological Monographs 85 (2): 157-80. doi:10.1890/14-0389.110.1890/
Canham, Charles D., Wendy A. Ruscoe, Elaine F. Wright, and Deborah J. Wilson. 2014. “Spatial and Temporal Variation in Tree Seed Production and Dispersal in a New Zealand Temperate Rainforest”. Ecosphere 5 (4). doi:10.1890/ES13-00384.1.
Wilson, Deborah J., Elaine F. Wright, Charles D. Canham, and Wendy A. Ruscoe. 2007. “Neighbourhood Analyses of Tree Seed Predation by Introduced Rodents in a New Zealand Temperate Rainforest”. Ecography 30: 105-19.
Coomes, David A., R.B. Allen, W.A. Bentley, L.E. Burrows, Charles D. Canham, L. Fagan, David M. Forsyth, et al. 2005. “The Hare, the Tortoise and the Crocodile: The Ecology of Angiosperm Dominance, Conifer Persistence and Fern Filtering”. J. Ecol. 93: 918-35.