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J.R. Webster

Norman, B. M., M.R. Whiles, S. M. Collins, A.S. Flecker, Stephen K. Hamilton, S.L. Johnson, Emma J. Rosi, et al. 2017. “Drivers of Nitrogen Transfer in Stream Food Webs across Continents”. Ecology 98 (12): 3044-55. doi:10.1002/ecy.2009.
Tank, Jennifer L., E. Marti, T. Riis, D. von Schiller, Alexander J. Reisinger, Walter K. Dodds, M.R. Whiles, et al. 2017. “Partitioning Assimilatory Nitrogen Uptake in Streams: An Analysis of Stable Isotope Tracer Additions across Continents”. Ecological Monographs 88 (1): 120-38. doi:10.1002/ecm.1280.
Dodds, Walter K., S. M. Collins, Stephen K. Hamilton, J.L. Tank, S.L. Johnson, J.R. Webster, Kevin S. Simon, et al. 2014. “You Are Not Always What We Think You Eat: Selective Assimilation across Multiple Whole-Stream Isotopic Tracer Studies”. Ecology 95 (10): 2757-67. doi:10.1890/13-2276.1.
Ellison, A.M., M. Bank, A. Barker-Plotkin, B. Clinton, E. Colburn, K. Elliott, C. Ford, et al. 2005. “Loss of Foundation Species: Consequences for the Structure and Dynamics of Forested Ecosystems”. Front. Ecol. Environ. 3: 479-86.
Mulholland, P.J., H.M. Valett, J.R. Webster, S. A. Thomas, L.W. Cooper, Stephen K. Hamilton, and B.J. Peterson. 2004. “Stream Denitrification and Total Nitrate Uptake Rates Measured Using a Field <sup>15< Sup>N Tracer Addition Approach”. Limnology and Oceanography 49 (3): 809-20. doi:10.4319/lo.2004.49.3.0809.
Dodds, W. K., E. Marti, J.L. Tank, J Pontius, Stephen K. Hamilton, N. B. Grimm, W.B. Bowden, et al. 2004. “Carbon and Nitrogen Stoichiometry and Nitrogen Cycling Rates in Streams”. Oecologia 140 (3): 458-67. doi:10.1007/s00442-004-1599-y.
Webster, J.R., P.J. Mulholland, J.L. Tank, H.M. Valett, Walter K. Dodds, B.J. Peterson, W.B. Bowden, et al. 2003. “Factors Affecting Ammonium Uptake in Streams – an Inter-Biome Perspective”. Freshwater Biology 48 (8): 1329-52. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2427.2003.01094.x.
Mulholland, P.J., J.L. Tank, J.R. Webster, W.B. Bowden, W. K. Dodds, S.V. Gregory, N. B. Grimm, et al. 2002. “Can Uptake Length in Streams Be Determined by Nutrient Addition Experiments? Results from an Interbiome Comparison Study”. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 21: 544-60. doi:10.2307/1468429.
Mulholland, P.J., CS Fellows, J.L. Tank, N. B. Grimm, J.R. Webster, Stephen K. Hamilton, E. Marti, et al. 2001. “Inter-Biome Comparison of Factors Controlling Stream Metabolism”. Freshwater Biology 46 (11): 1503-17. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2427.2001.00773.x.
Hamilton, Stephen K., J.L. Tank, DF Raikow, WM Wollheim, B.J. Peterson, and J.R. Webster. 2001. “Nitrogen Uptake and Transformation in a Midwestern US Stream: A Stable Isotope Enrichment Study”. Biogeochemistry 54 (3): 297-340. doi:10.1023/A:1010635524108.