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A.S. Flecker

Norman, B. M., M.R. Whiles, S. M. Collins, A.S. Flecker, Stephen K. Hamilton, S.L. Johnson, Emma J. Rosi, et al. 2017. “Drivers of Nitrogen Transfer in Stream Food Webs across Continents”. Ecology 98 (12): 3044-55. doi:10.1002/ecy.2009.
Dodds, Walter K., S. M. Collins, Stephen K. Hamilton, J.L. Tank, S.L. Johnson, J.R. Webster, Kevin S. Simon, et al. 2014. “You Are Not Always What We Think You Eat: Selective Assimilation across Multiple Whole-Stream Isotopic Tracer Studies”. Ecology 95 (10): 2757-67. doi:10.1890/13-2276.1.
Solomon, Christopher T., E. R. Hotchkiss, J. R. Moslemi, A.J. Ulseth, Emily H. Stanley, Robert O. Hall, and A.S. Flecker. 2009. “Sediment Size and Nutrients Regulate Denitrification in a Tropical Stream”. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 28: 480-90. doi:10.1899/07–157.1.
Templer, Pamela H., Peter M. Groffman, A.S. Flecker, and Alison G. Power. 2005. “Land Use Change and Soil Nutrient Cycling in the Los Haitises Region of the Dominican Republic”. Soil Biol. Biochem. 37: 215-25.
Uriarte, Maria, L.W. Rivera, J.K. Zimmerman, T.M. Aide, Alison G. Power, and A.S. Flecker. 2004. “Interactions Between Land Use History and Hurricane Damage in a Neotropical Forest”. Plant Ecol. 174: 49-58.
Solomon, Christopher T., A.S. Flecker, and B.W. Taylor. 2004. “Testing the Role of Sediment-Mediated Interactions Between Tadpoles and Armored Catfish in a Neotropical Stream”. Copeia 2004: 610-16. doi:10.1643/CE-03-168R1.
Wright, J. P., A.S. Flecker, and Clive G. Jones. 2003. “Local Versus Landscape Controls on Plant Species Richness in Beaver Meadows”. Ecology 84: 3162-73.
Wright, J. P., Clive G. Jones, and A.S. Flecker. 2002. “An Ecosystem Engineer, the Beaver, Increases Species Richness at the Landscape Scale”. Oecologia 132: 96-101.