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E. Bennett

Bennett, E. M., and M. E. Schipanski. 2012. “The Phosphorus Cycle”. In K. C. Weathers, D. L. Strayer and G. E. Likens (eds.). Fundamentals of Ecosystem Science, 159-78. Academic Press, Inc.
Pace, Michael L., S. Hampton, K. E. Limburg, E. M. Bennett, Elizabeth M. Cook, A. Davis, Morgan Grove, et al. 2010. “Communicating With the Public: Opportunities and Rewards for Individual Ecologists”. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 8 (6): 292-98. doi:10.1890/090168.
Bennett, E. M., Stephen R. Carpenter, and Nina F. Caraco. 2001. “Human Impact on Erodable Phosphorus and Eutrophication: A Global Perspective”. BioScience 51: 227-34.