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Morgan Grove

Hager, Guy W, Kenneth T Belt, William Stack, Kimberly Burgess, Morgan Grove, Bess Caplan, Mary Hardcastle, Desiree Shelley, Steward T. A. Pickett, and Peter M. Groffman. 2013. “Socioecological Revitalization of an Urban Watershed”. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 11 (1): 28-36. doi:10.1890/120069.
Pickett, Steward T. A., Christopher G. Boone, Brian McGrath, Mary L. Cadenasso, Daniel L. Childers, Laura Ogden, Melissa McHale, and Morgan Grove. 2013. “Ecological Science and Transformation to the Sustainable City”. Cities. doi:10.1016/j.cities.2013.02.008.
Pickett, Steward T. A., Mary L. Cadenasso, Peter M. Groffman, and Morgan Grove. 2012. “Importance of Integrated Approaches and Perspectives”. In D. N. Laband, B. G. Lockaby, and W. Zipperer, Eds. Urban-Rural Interfaces: Linking People and Nature. American Society of Agronomy, the Crop Science Society of America, and the Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI. doi:10.2136/2012.urban-rural.c14.
Pickett, Steward T. A., G.S. Brush, A. J. Felson, Brian McGrath, Morgan Grove, C.H. Nilon, K. Szlavecz, C.S. Swan, and P. Warren. 2012. “Understanding and Working With Urban Biodiversity: The Baltimore Ecosystem Study”. CityGreen 4: 68-77.
Pickett, Steward T. A., Mary L. Cadenasso, Morgan Grove, Christopher G. Boone, Peter M. Groffman, E. Irwin, Sujay S. Kaushal, et al. 2011. “Urban Ecological Systems: Foundations and a Decade of Progress”. J. Environ. Manage 92: 331-62.
Pace, Michael L., S. Hampton, K. E. Limburg, E. M. Bennett, Elizabeth M. Cook, A. Davis, Morgan Grove, et al. 2010. “Communicating With the Public: Opportunities and Rewards for Individual Ecologists”. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 8 (6): 292-98. doi:10.1890/090168.
Pickett, Steward T. A., and Morgan Grove. 2009. “What Would Tansley Do?”. Urban Ecosystems 12: 1-8.
Cadenasso, Mary L., Steward T. A. Pickett, Peter M. Groffman, Lawrence E. Band, G.S. Brush, M.F. Galvin, Morgan Grove, et al. 2008. “Exchanges across Land-Water-Scape Boundaries in Urban Systems: Strategies for Reducing Nitrate Pollution”. In R. S. Ostfeld and W. H. Schlesinger (eds.). The Year in Ecology and Conservation Biology. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1134:213-32. Blackwell Scientific Publishing, Boston.
Pickett, Steward T. A., Mary L. Cadenasso, Morgan Grove, Peter M. Groffman, Lawrence E. Band, Christopher G. Boone, W.R. Burch, et al. 2008. “Beyond Urban Legends: An Emerging Framework of Urban Ecology, As Illustrated by the Baltimore Ecosystem Study”. BioScience 58: 139-50.
Grimm, Nancy B, D. R. Foster, Peter M. Groffman, Morgan Grove, C.S. Hopkinson, Knute J. Nadelhoffer, Diane E. Pataki, and D. P. C. Peters. 2008. “The Changing Landscape: Ecosystem Responses to Urbanization and Pollution across Climatic and Societal Gradients”. Front. Ecol. Environ. 6: 264-72.