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Esteban Suárez

Ewing, Holly A., Amy R. Tuininga, Peter M. Groffman, Kathleen C. Weathers, Timothy J. Fahey, Melany C. Fisk, Patrick J. Bohlen, and Esteban R. Suárez. 2015. “Earthworms Reduce Biotic 15-Nitrogen Retention in Northern Hardwood Forests”. Ecosystems 18 (2): 328-42. doi:10.1007/s10021-014-9831-z.
Suárez, Esteban R., Timothy J. Fahey, Joseph B. Yavitt, Peter M. Groffman, and Patrick J. Bohlen. 2006. “Patterns of Litter Disappearance in a Northern Hardwood Forest Invaded by Exotic Earthworms”. Ecol. Appl. 16: 154-65.
Suárez, Esteban R., Timothy J. Fahey, Peter M. Groffman, Joseph B. Yavitt, and Patrick J. Bohlen. 2006. “Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Exotic Earthworm Communities Along Invasion Fronts in a Temperate Hardwood Forest in South-Central New York (USA)”. Biol. Invasions 8: 553-64.
Suárez, Esteban R., Timothy J. Fahey, Peter M. Groffman, Patrick J. Bohlen, and Melany C. Fisk. 2004. “Effects of Exotic Earthworms on Soil Phosphorus Cycling in Two Broadleaf Temperate Forests”. Ecosystems 7: 28-44.