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J. Karlsson

Fork, M.L., J. Karlsson, and R. A. Sponseller. (2024) 2020. “Dissolved Organic Matter Regulates Nutrient Limitation and Growth of Benthic Algae in Northern Lakes through Interacting Effects on Nutrient and Light Availability”. Limnology and Oceanography Letters 5 (6): 417-24.
Tanentzap, Andrew J., Brian W. Kielstra, Grace M. Wilkinson, Martin Berggren, N. Craig, P. A. del Giorgio, Jonathan Grey, et al. 2017. “Terrestrial Support of Lake Food Webs: Synthesis Reveals Controls over Cross-Ecosystem Resource Use”. Science Advances 3 (3): e1601765. doi:10.1126/sciadv.1601765.
Solomon, Christopher T., S. E. Jones, Brian C. Weidel, I. Buffam, M.L. Fork, J. Karlsson, S. Larsen, et al. 2015. “Ecosystem Consequences of Changing Inputs of Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Matter to Lakes: Current Knowledge and Future Challenges”. Ecosystems 18: 376-89. doi:10.1007/s10021-015-9848-y.