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Yahn-Jauh Su

Abraha, Michael, Ilya Gelfand, Stephen K. Hamilton, Changliang Shao, Yahn-Jauh Su, Philip Robertson, and Jiquan Chen. 2016. “Ecosystem Water-Use Efficiency of Annual Corn and Perennial Grasslands: Contributions from Land-Use History and Species Composition”. Ecosystems 19 (6): 1001-12. doi:10.1007/s10021-016-9981-2.
Abraha, Michael, Jiquan Chen, Housen Chu, Terenzio Zenone, Ranjeet John, Yahn-Jauh Su, Stephen K. Hamilton, and Philip Robertson. 2015. “Evapotranspiration of Annual and Perennial Biofuel Crops in a Variable Climate”. Global Change Biology - Bioenergy 7 (6): 1344-56. doi:10.1111/gcbb.12239.