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Amy Hetherington

Strayer, David L., , Rita Adrian, David C. Aldridge, Csilla Balogh, Lyubov E. Burlakova, Hannah B. FriedPetersen, et al. 2019. “Long-Term Population Dynamics of Dreissenid Mussels (Dreissena Polymorpha and D. rostriformis): A Cross-System Analysis”. ECOSPHERE 10. doi:10.1002/ecs2.2701.
Cobourn, Kelly, Cayelan C. Carey, Kevin J. Boyle, Christopher Duffy, Hilary A. Dugan, Kaitlin J. Farrell, Leah Fitchett, et al. 2018. “From Concept to Practice to Policy: Modeling Coupled Natural and Human Systems in Lake Catchments”. Ecosphere 9 (5): e02209. doi:10.1002/ecs2.2209.
Richardson, D.C., Stephanie Melles, Rachel Pilla, Amy L. Hetherington, Lesley Knoll, Craig E. Williamson, Benjamin Kraemer, et al. 2017. “Transparency, Geomorphology and Mixing Regime Explain Variability in Trends in Lake Temperature and Stratification across Northeastern North America (1975–2014)”. Water 953 (6): 442. doi:10.3390/w9060442.
Dugan, Hilary A., Iestyn Woolway, Arianto B. Santoso, Jessica R. Corman, Aline Jaimes, Emily R. Nodine, Vijay P. Patil, et al. 2016. “Consequences of Gas Flux Model Choice on the Interpretation of Metabolic Balance across 15 Lakes”. Inland Waters 6. THE FERRY HOUSE, FAR SAWREY, AMBLESIDE, CUMBRIA LA22 0LP, ENGLAND: FRESHWATER BIOLOGICAL ASSOC: 581-92. doi:10.5268/IW-6.4.836.
Smyth, Robyn L., Alicia Caruso, L. Borre, Guangwei Zhu, Mengyuan Zhu, Amy L. Hetherington, E. Jennings, et al. 2016. “High-Frequency Lake Data Benefit Society through Broader Engagement With Stakeholders: A Synthesis of GLEON Data Use Survey and Member Experiences”. INLAND WATERS 6. THE FERRY HOUSE, FAR SAWREY, AMBLESIDE, CUMBRIA LA22 0LP, ENGLAND: FRESHWATER BIOLOGICAL ASSOC: 555-64. doi:10.5268/IW-6.4.894.
Rose, Kevin C., Kathleen C. Weathers, Amy L. Hetherington, and David P. Hamilton. 2016. “Insights from the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON)”. Inland Waters 6. THE FERRY HOUSE, FAR SAWREY, AMBLESIDE, CUMBRIA LA22 0LP, ENGLAND: FRESHWATER BIOLOGICAL ASSOC: 476-82. doi:10.5268/IW-6.4.1051.
Read, Emily K., Vijay P. Patil, Samantha K. Oliver, Amy L. Hetherington, Jennifer A. Brentrup, Jacob A. Zwart, Kirsten M. Winters, et al. 2015. “The Importance of Lake-Specific Characteristics for Water Quality across the Continental United States”. Ecological Applications 25 (4): 943-55. doi:10.1890/14-0935.1.