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Jacob Zwart

Lofton, Mary E., Jennifer A. Brentrup, Whitney S. Beck, Jacob A. Zwart, Ruchi Bhattacharya, Ludmila S. Brighenti, Sarah H. Burnet, et al. 2022. “Using Near-Term Forecasts and Uncertainty Partitioning to Inform Prediction of Oligotrophic Lake Cyanobacterial Density”. Ecological Applications n/a (n/a). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. doi:
Zwart, Jacob A., Oleksandra Hararuk, Y.T. Prairie, S. E. Jones, and Christopher T. Solomon. 2019. “Improving Estimates and Forecasts of Lake Carbon Dynamics Using Data Assimilation”. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 17 (2): 97-111. doi:10.1002/lom3.10302.
Koizumi, Shuntaro, N. Craig, Jacob A. Zwart, P.T. Kelly, J.P. Ziegler, Brian C. Weidel, S. E. Jones, and Christopher T. Solomon. 2018. “Experimental Whole-Lake Dissolved Organic Carbon Increase Alters Fish Diet and Density But Not Growth or Productivity”. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2017-0283.
Kelly, P.T., Christopher T. Solomon, Jacob A. Zwart, and S. E. Jones. 2018. “A Framework for Understanding Variation in Pelagic Gross Primary Production of Lake Ecosystems”. Ecosystems 62. doi:10.1007/s10021-018-0226-4.
Hanson, Zachary, Jacob A. Zwart, Joseph Vanderwall, Christopher T. Solomon, S. E. Jones, Alan F. Hamlet, and Diogo Bolster. 2018. “Integrated, Regional-Scale Hydrologic Modeling of Inland Lakes”. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 54 (6): 1302-24. doi:10.1111/1752-1688.12688.
Hararuk, Oleksandra, Jacob A. Zwart, S. E. Jones, Y.T. Prairie, and Christopher T. Solomon. 2018. “Model-Data Fusion to Test Hypothesized Drivers of Lake Carbon Cycling Reveals Importance of Physical Controls”. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. doi:10.1002/2017JG004084.
Jones, S. E., Jacob A. Zwart, P.T. Kelly, and Christopher T. Solomon. 2018. “Hydrologic Setting Constrains Lake Heterotrophy and Terrestrial Carbon Fate”. Limnology and Oceanography Letters. doi:10.1002/lol2.10054.
Weidel, Brian C., Katherine Baglini, Stuart E. Jones, Patrick T. Kelly, Christopher T. Solomon, and Jacob A. Zwart. 2017. “Light Climate and Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration Influence Species-Specific Changes in Fish Zooplanktivory”. Inland Waters 7 (2): 210-17. doi:10.1080/20442041.2017.1329121.
Zwart, Jacob A., S.D. Sebestyen, Christopher T. Solomon, and S. E. Jones. 2017. “The Influence of Hydrologic Residence Time on Lake Carbon Cycling Dynamics Following Extreme Precipitation Events”. Ecosystems 20 (5): 1000-1014. doi:10.1007/s10021-016-0088-6.
Zwart, Jacob A., S.D. Sebestyen, Christopher T. Solomon, and S. E. Jones. 2016. “The Influence of Hydrologic Residence Time on Lake Carbon Cycling Dynamics Following Extreme Precipitation Events”. Ecosystems, 1-15. doi:10.1007/s10021-016-0088-6.