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S. Jones

Jennings, E., S. E. Jones, L. Arvola, Peter A. Staehr, E. Gaiser, Ian D. Jones, Kathleen C. Weathers, Gesa A. Weyhenmeyer, and C.Y. Chiu. 2012. “Effects of Weather-Related Episodic Events in Lakes: An Analysis Based on High-Frequency Data”. Freshwater Biol. 57: 589-601.
Jones, S. E., Christopher T. Solomon, and Brian C. Weidel. 2012. “Subsidy or Subtraction: How Do Terrestrial Inputs Influence Consumer Production in Lakes?”. Freshwater Reviews 5: 37-49. doi:10.1608/FRJ-5.1.475.
Ball, B.A., John S Kominoski, H.E. Adams, S. E. Jones, E.S. Kane, T.D. Loecke, W.M. Mahaney, et al. 2010. “Direct and Terrestrial Vegetation-Mediated Effects of Environmental Change on Aquatic Ecosystem Processes”. BioScience 60: 590-601. doi:10.1525/bio.2010.60.8.5.