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K. Tockner

Tydecks, Laura, Vanessa Bremerich, Ilona Jentschke, Gene E. Likens, and K. Tockner. 2016. “Biological Field Stations: A Global Infrastructure for Research, Education, and Public Engagement”. BioScience, biv174. doi:10.1093/biosci/biv174.
Tockner, K., A. Wuest, and Stuart E. G. Findlay. 2009. “Aquatic Sciences Celebrates Its 20th Anniversary”. Aquat. Sci. 71. doi:10.1007/s00027-009-0019-0.
Arrigoni, A., Stuart E. G. Findlay, David T. Fischer, and K. Tockner. 2008. “Predicting Carbon and Nutrient Transformations in Tidal Freshwater Wetlands of the Hudson River”. Ecosystems 11: 790-802.