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Charles Canham

Caspersen, John P., J.A. Silander Jr., Charles D. Canham, and S. W. Pacala. 1999. “Modeling the Competitive Dynamics and Distribution of Tree Species Along Moisture Gradients”. In D. Mladenoff and W. Baker (eds.). Spatial Modeling of Forest Landscape Change, 14-41. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Finzi, A.C., and Charles D. Canham. 1998. “Non-Additive Effects of Litter Mixtures on Net N Mineralization in a Southern New England Forest”. For. Ecol. Manage 105: 129-36.
Wright, Elaine F., K.D. Coates, Charles D. Canham, and P. Bartemucci. 1998. “Species Variability in Growth Response to Light across Climatic Regions in Northwestern British Columbia”. Can. J. For. Res. 28: 871-86.
Finzi, A.C., Charles D. Canham, and N. van Breemen. 1998. “Canopy Tree-Soil Interactions Within Temperate Forests: Species Effects on PH and Cations”. Ecol. Appl. 8: 447-54.
Finzi, A.C., N. van Breemen, and Charles D. Canham. 1998. “Canopy Tree-Soil Interactions Within Temperate Forests: Species Effects on Carbon and Nitrogen”. Ecol. Appl. 8: 440-46.
Manson, R.H., Richard S. Ostfeld, and Charles D. Canham. 1998. “The Effects of Tree Seed and Seedling Density on Predation Rates by Rodents in Old Fields”. Ecoscience 5: 183-90.
Ostfeld, Richard S., Felicia Keesing, Clive G. Jones, Charles D. Canham, and Gary M. Lovett. 1998. “Integrative Ecology and the Dynamics of Species in Oak Forests”. Integr. Biol 1: 178-86.
van Breemen, N., A.C. Finzi, and Charles D. Canham. 1997. “Canopy Tree-Soil Interactions Within Temperate Forests: Effects of Elemental Composition and Texture on Species Distributions”. Can. J. For. Res. 27: 1110-16.
Ostfeld, Richard S., R.H. Manson, and Charles D. Canham. 1997. “Effects of Rodents on Survival of Tree Seeds and Seedlings Invading Old Fields”. Ecology 78: 1531-42.
Pacala, S. W., Charles D. Canham, J. Saponara, J.A. Silander Jr., Richard K. Kobe, and E. Ribbens. 1996. “Forest Models Defined by Field Measurements: II. Estimation, Error Analysis and Dynamics”. Ecol. Monogr. 66: 1-43.