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Charles Canham

Dickinson, M., F. E. Putz, and Charles D. Canham. 1993. “Canopy Gap Closure in Gray Dogwood Thickets”. C. D. Canham Et Al. (eds.). Vegetation Dynamics Along Utility Rights-of-Way: Factors Affecting the Ability of Shrub and Herbaceous Communities to Resist Invasion by Trees. Final Technical Report to Central Hudson Gas and Electric Corporation and the Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation.
Berkowitz, Alan R., Charles D. Canham, and Victoria R. Kelly. 1993. “Net Effects of Right-of-Way Communities on Tree Seedling Growth and Survival”. C. D. Canham (ed.). Vegetation Dynamics Along Utility Rights-of-Way: Factors Affecting the Ability of Shrub and Herbaceous Communities to Resist Invasion by Trees. Final Technical Report to Central Hudson Gas and Electric Corporation and the Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation.
Canham, Charles D. 1993. “Ecological Approaches to Vegetation Management Along Utility Rights-of-Way”. C. D. Canham Et Al. (eds.). Vegetation Dynamics Along Utility Rights-of-Way: Factors Affecting the Ability of Shrub and Herbaceous Communities to Resist Invasion by Trees. Final Technical Report to Central Hudson Gas and Electric Corporation and the Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation.
Canham, Charles D., and J. S. Kays. 1993. “Classification and Gradient Analysis of Right-of-Way Vegetation in the Mid-Hudson Valley”. C. D. Canham Et Al. (eds.). Vegetation Dynamics Along Utility Rights-of-Way: Factors Affecting the Ability of Shrub and Herbaceous Communities to Resist Invasion by Trees. Final Technical Report to Central Hudson Gas and Electric Corporation and the Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation.
Kelly, Victoria R., and Charles D. Canham. 1993. “Resource Heterogeneity in Rights-of-Way”. C. D. Canham Et Al. (eds.). Vegetation Dynamics Along Utility Rights-of-Way: Factors Affecting the Ability of Shrub and Herbaceous Communities to Resist Invasion by Trees. Final Technical Report to Central Hudson Gas and Electric Corporation and the Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation.
Putz, F. E., and Charles D. Canham. 1992. “Mechanisms of Arrested Succession in Shrublands: Root and Shoot Competition Between Shrubs and Tree Seedlings”. For. Ecol. Manage 49: 267-75.
Kelly, Victoria R., and Charles D. Canham. 1992. “Resource Heterogeneity in Oldfields”. J. Veg. Sci. 3: 545-52.
Canham, Charles D., G.G. Parker, and T.G. Siccama. 1992. “Permanent Plots: A Directory of Long-Term Studies of Vegetation”. Occasional Publication of the Institute of Ecosystem Studies. Millbrook, NY: Institute of Ecosystem Studies.
Kays, J. S., and Charles D. Canham. 1991. “Effects of Time and Frequency of Cutting on Hardwood Root Reserves and Sprout Growth”. For. Sci. 37: 524-39.
Glitzenstein, J. S., Charles D. Canham, M.J. McDonnell, and D.R. Streng. 1990. “Effects of Environment and Land-Use History on Upland Forests of the Cary Arboretum, Hudson Valley, New York”. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 117: 106-22.