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Richard Kobe

Martin, P. H., Charles D. Canham, and Richard K. Kobe. 2010. “Divergence from the Growth-Survival Trade-off and Extreme High Growth Rates Drive Patterns of Exotic Tree Invasions in Closed-Canopy Forests”. J. Ecol. 98: 778-89.
Kobe, Richard K., Gene E. Likens, and C. Eagar. 2002. “Tree Seedling Growth and Mortality Responses to Manipulations of Calcium and Aluminum in a Northern Hardwood Forest”. Can. J. For. Res. 32: 954-66.
Canham, Charles D., Richard K. Kobe, E.F. Latty, and R.L. Chazdon. 1999. “Interspecific and Intraspecific Variation in Tree Seedling Survival: Effects of Allocation to Roots Vs. Carbohydrate Reserves”. Oecologia 121: 1-11.
Kobe, Richard K., and K.D. Coates. 1997. “Models of Sapling Mortality As a Function of Growth to Characterize Interspecific Variation in Shade Tolerance of Eight Tree Species of Northwestern British Columbia”. Can. J. For. Res. 27: 227-36.
Pacala, S. W., Charles D. Canham, J. Saponara, J.A. Silander Jr., Richard K. Kobe, and E. Ribbens. 1996. “Forest Models Defined by Field Measurements: II. Estimation, Error Analysis and Dynamics”. Ecol. Monogr. 66: 1-43.
Kobe, Richard K. 1996. “Intraspecific Variation in Sapling Mortality and Growth Predicts Geographic Variation in Forest Composition”. Ecol. Monogr. 66: 181-201.
Kobe, Richard K., S. W. Pacala, J.A. Silander Jr., and Charles D. Canham. 1995. “Juvenile Tree Survivorship As a Component of Shade Tolerance”. Ecol. Appl. 5: 517-32.
Pacala, S. W., Charles D. Canham, J.A. Silander Jr., and Richard K. Kobe. 1994. “Sapling Growth As a Function of Resources in a North Temperate Forest”. Can. J. For. Res. 24: 2172-83.