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B.W. Taylor

Chaves-Ulloa, Ramsa, B.W. Taylor, Hannah J. Broadley, Kathryn L. Cottingham, Nicholas A. Baer, Kathleen C. Weathers, Holly A. Ewing, and C.Y. Chen. 2016. “Dissolved Organic Carbon Modulates Mercury Concentrations in Insect Subsidies from Streams to Terrestrial Consumers”. Ecological Applications 26 (6): 1771-84. doi:10.1890/15-0025.1.
Solomon, Christopher T., A.S. Flecker, and B.W. Taylor. 2004. “Testing the Role of Sediment-Mediated Interactions Between Tadpoles and Armored Catfish in a Neotropical Stream”. Copeia 2004: 610-16. doi:10.1643/CE-03-168R1.