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R.B. Allen

Kunstler, Georges, R.B. Allen, David A. Coomes, Charles D. Canham, and Elaine F. Wright. 2013. “Sustainable Management, Earthquake Disturbances, and Transient Dynamics: Modelling Timber Harvesting Impacts in Mixed-Species Forests”. Annals of Forest Science 70 (3): 287-98. doi:10.1007/s13595-012-0256-6.
Peltzer, D .A., R.B. Allen, Gary M. Lovett, D. Whitehead, and D.A. Wardle. 2010. “Effects of Biological Invasions on Forest Carbon Sequestration”. Global Change Biol. 16: 732-46.
Coomes, David A., R.B. Allen, W.A. Bentley, L.E. Burrows, Charles D. Canham, L. Fagan, David M. Forsyth, et al. 2005. “The Hare, the Tortoise and the Crocodile: The Ecology of Angiosperm Dominance, Conifer Persistence and Fern Filtering”. J. Ecol. 93: 918-35.
Schauber, E.M., D. Kelly, P. Turchin, C. Simon, W.G. Lee, R.B. Allen, I.J. Payton, P.R. Wilson, P.E. Cowan, and R.E. Brockie. 2002. “Masting by Eighteen New Zealand Plant Species: The Role of Temperature As a Synchronizing Cue”. Ecology 83: 1214-25.