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Stephen Baines

Alldred, Mary, Stephen B. Baines, and Stuart E. G. Findlay. 2016. “Effects of Invasive-Plant Management on Nitrogen-Removal Services in Freshwater Tidal Marshes”. PLOS ONE 11 (2): e0149813. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0149813.
Baines, Stephen B., N.S. Fisher, and Jonathan J. Cole. 2007. “Dissolved Organic Matter and Persistence of the Invasive Zebra Mussel (Dreissena Polymorpha) under Low Food Conditions”. Limnol. Oceanogr. 52: 70-78.
Baines, Stephen B., N.S. Fisher, and Jonathan J. Cole. 2005. “Uptake of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) and Its Importance to Metabolic Requirements of the Zebra Mussel, Dreissena Polymorpha”. Limnol. Oceanogr. 50: 36-47.
Baines, Stephen B., and Michael L. Pace. 1994. “Sinking Fluxes across Lakes Spanning a Trophic Gradient: Patterns and Implications for the Fate of Planktonic Primary Production”. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 51: 25-36.
Baines, Stephen B., Michael L. Pace, and D.M. Karl. 1994. “Why Does the Relationship Between Sinking Flux and Planktonic Primary Production Differ Between Lakes and the Ocean?”. Limnol. Oceanogr. 39: 213-26.
Pace, Michael L., Stephen B. Baines, H. Cyr, and J.A. Downing. 1993. “Relationships Among Early Life History Stages of Morone Americana and Morone Saxatilis from Long Term Monitoring of the Hudson River Estuary”. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 50: 1976-85.
Baines, Stephen B. 1993. “Extracellular Release of Dissolved Organic Matter and Sinking As Fates of Planktonic Primary Production in Lakes and the Ocean”. Yale University.
Cyr, H., J.A. Downing, S. Lalonde, Stephen B. Baines, and Michael L. Pace. 1992. “Sampling Larval Fish Populations: Choice of Sample Number and Size”. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 121: 356-68.
Pace, Michael L., H. Cyr, and Stephen B. Baines. 1992. “Evaluation of Utilities Monitoring Surveys for Evidence of Faunal Decline in the Upper Hudson River”. Rep. Hudson River Found., New York, New York.
Baines, Stephen B., and Michael L. Pace. 1991. “The Production of Dissolved Organic Matter by Phytoplankton and Its Importance to Bacteria: Patterns across Marine and Freshwater Systems”. Limnol. Oceanogr. 36: 1078-90.