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Juan Armesto

Smith-Ramirez, C., and Juan J. Armesto. 2002. “Foraging Behaviour of Bird Pollinators on Embothrium Coccineum (Proteaceae) Trees in Forest Fragments and Pastures in Southern Chile”. Austral Ecol. 28: 53-60.
Guevara, R., Juan J. Armesto, and M. Carú. 2002. “Genetic Diversity of Nostoc Microsymbionts from Gunnera Tinctoria Revealed by PCR-STRR Fingerprinting”. Microb. Ecol. 44: 127-36.
Smith-Ramirez, C., and Juan J. Armesto. 2002. “Importancia biológica De Los Bosques Costeros De La décima región: El Impacto De La Carretera Costera Sur”. Ambiente Y Desarrollo 18: 6-14.
Aravena, J.C., Cecilia A. Pérez, M.R. Carmona, and Juan J. Armesto. 2002. “Changes in Tree Species Richness, Stand Structure and Soil Properties in a Successional Chronosequence of Forest Fragments in Northern Chiloé Island, Chile”. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat. 75: 339-60.
DeSanto, T. L., Mary Willson, Kathryn E. Sieving, and Juan J. Armesto. 2002. “Nesting Biology of Tapaculos (Family Rhinocryptidae) in Fragmented South-Temperate Rainforests of Chile”. The Condor 104: 482-95.
Carmona, M.R., J.C. Aravena, Cecilia A. Pérez, and Juan J. Armesto. 2002. “Coarse Woody Debris Biomass in Successional and Primary Temperate Forests in Chiloé Island, Chile”. For. Ecol. Manage 164: 265-75.
Armesto, Juan J., C. Papic, and P. Pliscoff. 2002. “Relevancia De Las pequeñas áreas Silvestres Para La conservación De La Biodiversidad En El Bosque Nativo”. Ambiente Y Desarrollo 18: 60-70.
Vann, D. R., A. Joshi, Cecilia A. Pérez, A.H. Johnson, J. Frizano, D.J. Zarin, and Juan J. Armesto. 2002. “Distribution and Cycling of C, N, Ca, Mg, K and P in Three Pristine, Old-Growth Forests in the Cordillera De Piuchué, Chiloé”. Biogeochemistry 60: 25-47.
Battles, J. J., Juan J. Armesto, D. R. Vann, D.J. Zarin, J.C. Aravena, Cecilia A. Pérez, and A.H. Johnson. 2002. “Vegetation Composition, Structure, and Biomass of Two Unpolluted Watersheds in the Cordillera De Piuchué, Chiloé Island, Chile”. Plant Ecol. 158: 5-19.
Armesto, Juan J., Ricardo Rozzi, and John P. Caspersen. 2001. “Temperate Forests of North and South America”. In F. S. Chapin, O. E. Sala, and E. Huber-Sannwald (eds.). Global Biodiversity in a Changing Environment Scenarios for the 21st Century, 223-49. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.