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Juan Armesto

Gutiérrez, A. G., Juan J. Armesto, J.C. Aravena, M.R. Carmona, N.V. Carrasco, D. A. Christie, M.P. Peña, Cecilia A. Pérez, and A. Huth. 2009. “Structural and Environmental Characterization of Old-Growth Temperate Rainforests of Northern Chiloé Island, Chile: Regional and Global Relevance”. For. Ecol. Manage 258: 376-88.
Armesto, Juan J., D. Manuschevich, A. Mora, C. Smith-Ramirez, Ricardo Rozzi, A. Abarzúa, and P.A. Marquet. 2009. “From the Holocene to the Anthropocene: A Historical Framework for Land Cover Change in Southwestern South America in the past 15,000 Years”. Land Use Policy 27: 148-60.
Newton, A.C., L. Cayuela, C. Echeverría, and Juan J. Armesto. 2009. “Toward Integrated Analysis of Human Impacts on Forest Biodiversity”. Ecol. Soc. 14: artno.2.
Ramos-Jiliberto, R., A.A. Albornoz, F.S. Valdovinos, C. Smith-Ramirez, M. Arim, Juan J. Armesto, and P.A. Marquet. 2009. “A Network Analysis of Plant-Pollinator Interactions in Temperate Rain Forests of Chiloe Island, Chile”. Oecologia 160: 697-706.
Rozzi, Ricardo, Juan J. Armesto, and Steward T. A. Pickett. 2008. “Ecology: V Disequilibrium Ecology”. In “Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy,” (eds.) B. Callicott and R. Frodeman, Volume 1, 257-59. MacMillan Reference Book – Gale, Cengage Learning, Farmington Hills, Michigan.
Armesto, Juan J., Ricardo Rozzi, and Steward T. A. Pickett. 2008. “Ecology: VI Patch Dynamics”. In “Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy,” (eds.) B. Callicott and R. Frodeman, Volume 1, 259-62. MacMillan Reference Book – Gale, Cengage Learning, Farmington Hills, Michigan.
Armesto, Juan J., M.A. Bustamante-Sánchez, M. F. Díaz, M.E. González, , A.M. Nuñez-Avila, and C. Smith-Ramirez. 2008. “Fire Disturbance Regimes, Ecosystem Recovery and Restoration Strategies in Mediterranean and Temperate Regions of Chile”. In A. Cerda and P. Robichaud (eds.). Fire Effects on Soils and Restoration Strategies, 537-67. Science Publishers, Enfield, NH, USA.
Gutiérrez, A. G., O. Barbosa, D. A. Christie, E. del-Val, Holly A. Ewing, Clive G. Jones, P.A. Marquet, Kathleen C. Weathers, and Juan J. Armesto. 2008. “Regeneration Patterns and Persistence of the Fog-Dependent Fray Jorge Forest in Semiarid Chile During the past Two Centuries”. Global Change Biol. 14: 161-76.
Rozzi, Ricardo, Juan J. Armesto, B. Goffinet, W. Buck, F. Massardo, J.A. Silander Jr., M.T.K. Arroyo, et al. 2008. “Changing Lenses to Assess Biodiversity: Patterns of Species Richness in Sub-Antarctic Plants and Implications for Global Conservation”. Front. Ecol. Environ. 6: 131-37.
Gutiérrez, A. G., J.C. Aravena, N.V. Carrasco-Farías, D. A. Christie, M. Fuentes, and Juan J. Armesto. 2008. “Gap-Phase Dynamics and Coexistence of a Long-Lived Pioneer and Shade-Tolerant Tree Species in the Canopy of an Old-Growth Coastal Temperate Rain Forest of Chiloé Island, Chile”. Journal of Biogeography 35: 1674-87.