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E.R. Landa

Villena, Oswaldo, Ivana Terry, Kayoko Iwata, E.R. Landa, Shannon L. LaDeau, and Paul Leisnham. 2017. “Effects of Tire Leachate on the Invasive Mosquito <i>Aedes albopictus< i> and the Native Congener <i>Aedes triseriatus< I&gt”;. PeerJ 5: e3756. doi:10.7717/peerj.3756.
Szlavecz, K., Richard V. Pouyat, W. Carroll, S.M. Lev, Peter M. Groffman, R. Casey, and E.R. Landa. 2009. “Urban Soil Fauna and Ecosystem Services: Examples from the Baltimore Ecosystem Study”. J. Nematology 41: 383-84.