A.M. Kilpatrick
Carver, S., A.M. Kilpatrick, A. Kuenzi, R. Douglass, Richard S. Ostfeld, and P. Weinstein. 2010. “Environmental Monitoring to Enhance Comprehension and Control of Infectious Diseases”. J. Environ. Monitor 12: 2048-55. http://www.caryinstitute.org/reprints/Carver_2010_JEM.pdf.
LaDeau, Shannon L., P.P. Marra, A.M. Kilpatrick, and C.A. Calder. 2008. “West Nile Virus Revisited: Consequences for North American Ecology”. BioScience 58: 937-46. doi:10.1641/B581007.
LaDeau, Shannon L., A.M. Kilpatrick, and P.P. Marra. 2007. “West Nile Virus Emergence and Large-Scale Declines of North American Bird Populations”. Nature 447 (7145): 710-13. doi:10.1038/nature05829.
Kilpatrick, A.M., Shannon L. LaDeau, and P.P. Marra. 2007. “Ecology of the West Nile Virus Transmission and Its Impact on Birds in the Western Hemisphere”. The Auk 124 (4): 1121. doi:10.1642/0004-8038(2007)124[1121:EOWNVT]2.0.CO;2.