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M. Salinas

Salinas, M. F., M.T.K. Arroyo, and Juan J. Armesto. 2010. “Epiphytic Growth Habits of Chilean Gesneriaceae and the Evolution of Epiphytes Within the Tribe Coronanthereae”. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 97: 117-27. doi:10.3417/2006210.
Salinas, M. F. 2008. “Diferenciación De Nichos ecológicos De Tres Especies De Gesneriáceas epífitas Del Bosque Templado Del Sur De Chile (Ecological Niche Differentiation Among Three Epiphytic Gesneriaceae in Temperate Rain Forests of Southern Chile”. Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile.
Salinas, M. F. 2007. “A Comparative Analysis of Growth Forms, Seed Dispersal Vectors and Modes of Establishment in Thee Species of Epiphytes of the Gesneriaceae Family in Southern Chile”. Santiago, Chile, Universidad de Chile.