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B.B. Steele

Boucher, Jonah, Kathleen C. Weathers, Hamid Norouzi, and B.B. Steele. 2018. “Assessing the Effectiveness of Landsat 8 Chlorophyll <i>a< i> Retrieval Algorithms for Regional Freshwater Monitoring”. Ecological Applications 28 (4): 1044-54. doi:10.1002/eap.1708.
Whelan, C.J., J.S. Brown, Kenneth Schmidt, B.B. Steele, and Mary Willson. 2000. “Linking consumer–resource Theory and Digestive Physiology: Application to Diet Shifts”. Evolutionary Ecol. Res. 2: 911-34.
Whelan, C.J., Kenneth Schmidt, B.B. Steele, W.J. Quinn, and S. Dilger. 1998. “Are Bird-Consumed Fruits Complementary Resources?”. Oikos 83: 195-205.