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T. Battin

Prairie, Y.T., Jukka Alm, Jake J. Beaulieu, Nathan Barros, T. J. Battin, Jonathan J. Cole, P. A. del Giorgio, et al. 2018. “Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Freshwater Reservoirs: What Does the Atmosphere See?”. Ecosystems 21 (5): 1058-71. doi:10.1007/s10021-017-0198-9.
Battin, T. J., L.A. Kaplan, Stuart E. G. Findlay, C.S. Hopkinson, E. Marti, A.I. Packman, J.D. Newbold, and F.F. Sabater. 2008. “Biophysical Controls on Organic Carbon Fluxes in Fluvial Networks”. Nat. Geosci. 1: 95-100.