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Clive Jones

Gutiérrez, Jorge L., Clive G. Jones, J.E. Byers, K.K. Arkema, K. Berkenbusch, J.A. Commito, C. M. Duarte, et al. 2012. “Physical Ecosystem Engineers and the Functioning of Estuaries and Coasts”. In Heip, C. H. R., C. J. M. Philippart, and J. J. Middelburg, (eds.). Functioning of Estuaries and Coastal Ecosystems, Volume 7, Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science, E. Wolanski, E., and McLusky, D. S. (Series eds.), Academic Press, Waltham, 53-81. Oxford: Elsevier.
Mitsch, W. J., Alexia Stokes, and Clive G. Jones. 2012. “Ecological Engineering: Its Development, Applications and Challenges”. Ecol. Eng.
Stokes, Alexia, Sébastien Barot, Jean-Christophe Lata, Gerard Lacroix, Clive G. Jones, and W. J. Mitsch. 2012. “Ecological Engineering: From Concepts to Applications”. Ecol. Eng. 45: 1-4. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2012.04.035.
Jones, Clive G. 2012. “Ecosystem Engineers and Geomorphological Signatures in Landscapes”. Geomorphology 157: 75-87. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.04.039.
Jones, Clive G. 2012. “Grand Challenges for the Future of Ecological Engineering”. Ecol. Eng. 45 (SI): 80-84. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2012.02.023.
Rozzi, Ricardo, Juan J. Armesto, Julio R. Gutiérrez, F. Massardo, Gene E. Likens, M.T. Kalin, C.B. Anderson, et al. 2012. “Integrating Ecology and Environmental Ethics: Earth Stewardship in the Southern End of the Americas”. BioScience 62: 226-36.
Jones, Clive G. 2011. “Ensuring Success of Mimshak, the New ISEES Environmental Science-to-Policy Fellowship Program. (Hebrew Version)”. Ecol. Environ. 2: 232-33.
Jones, Clive G. 2011. “Ensuring Success of Mimshak, the New ISEES Environmental Science-to-Policy Fellowship Program. (English Version)”. Ecol. Environ. 2: 232-33.
Jones, Clive G. 2010. “The Ecological Engineering Initiative at AgroParisTech”. Progress Report, September-December 2009. AgroParisTech, Paris, France.
Jones, Clive G. 2010. “Nature, Heritage and Humanity: Toward a Sustained Balance at Ramat Hanadiv”. Report on the programs, Ramat Hanadiv, Israel.