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Clive Jones

Jones, Clive G., D. W. Whitman, P.J. Silk, and M.S. Blum. 1988. “Diet Breadth and Insect Chemical Defenses: A Generalist Grasshopper and a General Hypothesis”. In K. C. Spencer (ed.). Chemical Mediation of Coevolution, 417-512. Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, California.
Shachak, Moshe, Clive G. Jones, and Y. Granot. 1987. “Herbivory in Rocks and the Weathering of a Desert”. Science 236: 1098-99.
Coleman, J. S., Clive G. Jones, and W.H. Smith. 1987. “The Effect of Ozone on Cottonwood-Leaf Rust Interactions: Independence of Abiotic Stress, Genotype and Leaf Ontogeny”. Can. J. Bot. 65: 949-53.
Jones, Clive G., T.A. Hess, D. W. Whitman, P.J. Silk, and M.S. Blum. 1987. “Effects of Diet Breadth on Autogenous Chemical Defense of a Generalist Grasshopper”. J. Chem. Ecol. 13: 283-97.
Moore, K. E. B., and Clive G. Jones. 1987. “Field Estimation of Fecundity of the Gypsy Moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae)”. Environ. Entomol. 16: 165-67.
Jones, Clive G., and A. C. Lewis. 1987. “Chemical Ecology”. In McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 3:480-82. McGraw-Hill Book Company.
Jones, Clive G., T.A. Hess, D. W. Whitman, P.J. Silk, and M.S. Blum. 1986. “Idiosyncratic Variation in Chemical Defenses Between Individual Generalist Grasshoppers”. J. Chem. Ecol. 12: 749-61.
Compton, S. J., and Clive G. Jones. 1986. “Mechanism of Dye Response and Interferences in the Bradford Protein Assay”. Bio-Radiations 61: 5.
Whitman, D. W., M.S. Blum, and Clive G. Jones. 1986. “Olfactorily Mediated Attack Suppression in the Southern Grasshopper Mouse Toward an Unpalatable Prey”. Behav. Proc. 13: 77-83.
Whitman, D. W., M.S. Blum, and Clive G. Jones. 1986. “Prey-Specific Attack Behaviour in the Southern Grasshopper Mouse, Onychomys Torridus (Coues)”. Anim. Behav. 34: 295-97.