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Clive Jones

Wright, J. P., W.S.C. Gurney, and Clive G. Jones. 2004. “Patch Dynamics in a Landscape Modified by Ecosystem Engineers”. Oikos 105: 336-48.
Gutiérrez, Jorge L., Clive G. Jones, David L. Strayer, and O.O. Iribarne. 2003. “Mollusks As Ecosystem Engineers: The Role of Shell Production in Aquatic Habitats”. Oikos 101: 79-90.érrez_et_al_2003_Molluscs_Oikos_101_79-90.pdf.
Firn, R.D., and Clive G. Jones. 2003. “Natural Products - A Simple Model to Explain Chemical Diversity”. Royal Soc. Chem. Natural Products Reports 20: 382-91.
Gregg, J. W., Clive G. Jones, and T.E. Dawson. 2003. “Urbanization Effects on Tree Growth in the Vicinity of New York City”. Nature 424: 183-87.
Funk, J. L., Clive G. Jones, C.J. Baker, H. M. Fuller, C. Giardina, and M.T. Lerdau. 2003. “Diurnal Variation in the Basal Emission Rate of Isoprene”. Ecol. Appl. 13: 269-78.
Jones, Clive G. 2003. “Where Has the Gypsy Moth Gone?”. Institute of Ecosystem Studies Newsletter 20: 1-3.
Cadenasso, Mary L., Steward T. A. Pickett, Kathleen C. Weathers, and Clive G. Jones. 2003. “A Framework for a Theory of Ecological Boundaries”. BioScience 53: 750-58.
Wright, J. P., A.S. Flecker, and Clive G. Jones. 2003. “Local Versus Landscape Controls on Plant Species Richness in Beaver Meadows”. Ecology 84: 3162-73.
Wait, D.A., J. S. Coleman, and Clive G. Jones. 2002. “Chrysomela Scripta, Plagiodera Versicolora (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), and Trichoplusia Ni (Lepodoptera: Noctuidae) Track Specific Leaf Developmental Stages”. Environ. Entomol. 31: 836-43.
Wright, J. P., Clive G. Jones, and A.S. Flecker. 2002. “An Ecosystem Engineer, the Beaver, Increases Species Richness at the Landscape Scale”. Oecologia 132: 96-101.